Rick Mayo, Alloy Founder/CEO, and Matt Helland, Alloy VP Programming, discuss 3 key entrepreneur tips that can be a combination of skill sets and habits to make you a better leader and entrepreneur.

Having been in entrepreneurship and business leadership for over 30 years, Rick honed his skills and habits to become successful. As a gym owner, you’ll be juggling a lot of things at the same time, both small and big things. Most of your time will be spent reacting to other people’s needs. You need to be purposeful about what you do every day.

Here are some suggestions to become more purposeful and effective.

Entrepreneur Tips To Build Success

✅  Create A List Everyday – 5 Important Things To Do Today

The sum of purposeful things done each day is powerful in the long run. The technique here is to write down 5 things to accomplish that day, then do them no matter what. Either the night before or first thing in the morning, grab an index card and write five things you are going to accomplish that day.

They don’t all have to be big projects, but the sum of five things a day results in getting more done in a week or month. Now the list doesn’t have to be big, complicated items. There are a lot of small things needing to be done that can add up if you don’t do them regularly. Everything is purposeful.

As we all know, once you get into the office or once your day starts, a bulk of your day is going to be spent playing catch and responding to other people’s needs. Eventually, if you just react, you won’t get the important things done for your business.

It might be reading a chapter of a leadership book you want to read or it might be writing a sales script for a manual. Whatever that may be, keep it bite-sized and digestible. You’ll find that when you’re ticking them off daily, you’ll pick up momentum.

✅  Run A Morning Routine – Get Work Done

Don’t get distracted from what needs to get done.

A morning routine has become popular. Rick likes to get up, drink coffee, and start working. Some people may want to get up earlier to do meditation or a gratitude journal, but you still have to get things done. So Rick gets his 5 things done so he can move on to other things. Everybody is different.

The stress test is if you are doing these other things because they make the rest of your day more productive? Is it a distraction from getting to the things that need to be done?

✅  Review Your Day – What Did You Accomplish And Reflect

When you sit down at the end of the day, it’s good to review and ask yourself self did you do your best today? You don’t have to write it down. Reflect on your wins and the not so good things of the day. Don’t torture yourself, but look at every interaction and reaction. So later in the night, ask yourself if you could have handled that better? Did I do everything that I could today to help myself and my team? Even your interactions with your family.

As a leader, you influence people. So think about how a positive word for somebody can go a long way, but it can go equally wrong if you say something negative or off-putting to someone.

 End Of The Day Questions To Ask Yourself

  • Did I do my best today as a leader?
  • Did I do the work that I was supposed to do?
  • Did I treat people the right way?
  • Did I help my team today?
  • How did I handle my interactions with people?

Along with these tips, we always remember to apply the KISS method – Keep It Simple Stupid.

Podcast with: Rick Mayo and Matt Helland

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Key Takeaways:

  • 3 decades – 3 business lessons (03:09)
  • Seize the day by planning ahead ((04:15)
  • Five purpose things a day (05:43)
  • Run your morning – is your routine distracting you? (09:22)
  • Review your day (12:12)

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