What makes the Alloy fitness concept successful is our customized personal training programs based on a straightforward philosophy: people who get personalized coaching get better results. Rick Mayo, Alloy Founder & CEO, discusses why Alloy customers get better results in this article and in an interview by Jonny Quirk of the Go Solo Podcast.
The typical Alloy customer avatar is the 45-65 age group, or what we call the “Active Aging” population. They typically have more discretionary income. This is an under-served population in the current fitness market. This customer avatar is looking for accountability and specificity, which the Alloy brand promises and delivers. 
Our customers are usually movers and shakers that are gainfully employed with more discretionary income. They expect a lot more out of their investments. They also like premium brands, like premium automobiles. If you look at Porsche owners as an example, it’s not that a Porsche is not cool to a 28-year-old, it’s just that they can’t afford it. The average customer avatar for Porsche owners is going to be someone in their 40s to 60s and have amassed enough wealth to purchase the $150,000 automobile. So our customer market is the same persona, expecting more premium services, specificity, accountability, tools, and results. 
At Alloy, we concentrate on a small tribe of people with a smaller facility and smaller groups of people. We operate on a principle called Dunbar’s number, named after a British anthropologist. He did studies on cultures where he found the magic number is150 people, beyond close friends and family, that you can actually maintain a “tribal relationship”. Big corporations have put into practice Dunbar’s number by having divisions no larger than 150 employees. They understand if there are over 150 people in a division, you won’t know the names of all those other people and it is a more detached culture. Also, another benefit is inherent trust is higher in a small tribe where you get to know people better. You get to know everyone’s names, their kids’ names and become a part of their lives. 
So with the Alloy concept, we use the number of 150 to keep a small tribe atmosphere with a small footprint and fewer customers paying more money. In that way, we can keep the customer experience more personalized with a better coach to client ratio. 
Even during the pandemic, we were able to keep personalized coaching going. We already had the personalized digital assets in place to go virtual. We have a full digital app that can do everything from sending personalized exercise programs, combine it with their My Fitness Pal information and wearable fitness devices to take personal training coaching remote and live.

Alloy Personalized Coaching Benefits

  • Superior small group personal training system which makes it more affordable than one-on-one personal training.
  • Certified coach-to-client ratio of 1 coach to 6 clients.
  • Alloy’s concept is known for getting optimal results in the least amount of time, for people of all ages, ability levels or injury history.
  • Customized workout plans that change with each client visit to provide maximum variety; no workout is ever repeated twice.
  • Tracking tools to monitor each client’s workout frequency and intensity so they can track progress towards established goals.
  • Accountability appointments included with membership to provide additional motivation and guidance.
  • Digital Alloy personal training app to have live and virtual coaching.

Coming out of Covid, many people understand that fitness plays a big part in their health. The right fitness concepts have tremendous growth opportunities post-Covid. In addition, working out in a smaller facility with fewer numbers of people creates a safe environment for health reasons. Big box fitness clubs have hundreds of people working out every day and it is hard to keep a facility clean and safe. 

The Alloy brand has over 30 years of experience with small group and individual personal training. Having been an entrepreneur all his life, Rick shares some tips for an aspiring entrepreneur in the fitness space and what will make you succeed. 

As you’ll hear Rick explain in this episode, they focus the Alloy concept on high-quality personalized fitness solutions, and this sets Alloy apart. Tune in to learn more skills to make you successful in the fitness industry and as an owner. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The Alloy Fitness concept (01:43)
  • Premium, accountability, specificity–The Alloy Brand (12:50)
  • Fitness Post Covid- which concepts will prevail? (15:39)
  • Work-life balance for a fitness entrepreneur (23:02)
  • Business insider tips (28:50)
  • Where to find entrepreneurial inspiration (40:48)
  • Rapid-fire questions (51:42)

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©2025 | Alloy Personal Training, LLC | 2500 Old Alabama Road, Suite 24 | Roswell, GA 30076