In this episode, Rick discusses why ResusciTech is a great CPR solution for Alloy. Joining Rick are Abbie Kohler, CEO & Co-Founder, and Brian Morley, CMO. ResusciTech is a medical software and e-learning company with a mobile smartphone app for CPR education and certification, including AED and First Aid training. 

They are the only company providing CPR education and certification through a patent-pending, smartphone-based CPR feedback technology with the goal of improving cardiac arrest outcomes The founders have created an app called SMART Certification, that provides CPR training using smartphone-based feedback technology to perform skills evaluation and issue CPR certification.

Anybody can get CPR certified with a smartphone anytime, anywhere, in 90 minutes or less. The software includes business tools that allow businesses to track compliance for their personal trainers or any employee. 

The ResusciTech Story 

CPR training has not been a part of the recent technology revolution. Abbie and her fellow co-founder, Greg, leveraged current technology to bring CPR training and certification to the 21st century. They have a great entrepreneurial story and are the only ones offering this unique service as a mobile experience.

The inspiration for ResusciTech came when Abbie was doing a medical illustration at Rhode Island Hospital. Abbie describes, “I did some medical illustration work as an undergrad and I was in the emergency room(ER) one day and overheard an EMT talk about how difficult it is to do CPR. That surprised me because EMTs see a lot of cardiac arrests and 80% of cardiac arrests happen outside of the hospital. Even with all their training, it is an uncomfortable situation. So I wondered how, how lay people like myself were supposed to address and feel confident addressing emergencies they might see in daily life.” She explored what cardiac arrest looks like out of the hospital and how people train for it. She learned there were major gaps in training that needed to be addressed. One of the largest concerns is people don’t feel comfortable with their hands on skill, because they don’t develop muscle memory. You don’t spend a lot of time with the mannequin actually learning. With the app we developed, you can spend as much time practicing compressions while getting feedback on your phone. That allows you to develop the muscle memory.

Abbie met Brian through an organization called the New England Medical Innovation Center (NEMIC). ResusciTech received a grant through NEMIC to continue building our product and create a go-to-market strategy. After they worked together, they realized Brian would be a great asset to ResusciTech. Brian enjoys working with disruptive technologies and innovation. His knowledge of market penetration and market disruption allowed him to apply a strategic business framework to help bring their strategy into action. Learn how Brian and ResusciTech are using the customer journey and user experience to speed up the process of CPR education and certification.

They are also creating new updates and products with user experience (UI) in mind. Right now they have CPR, AED and basic first aid solutions, but they are launching a comprehensive first aid solution soon.

Why ResusciTech Is Perfect Solution For The Fitness Industry? 

It is important to have everyone trained in the fitness industry with CPR, AED, and basic first aid. It is now very convenient for gym owners, franchises, trainers, and everybody in the industry to get this certification through a smartphone.

Brian said. “One of the main reasons we targeted the fitness industry first is because we saw fitness really embraced innovation.” They are replicating their success from the fitness industry and scaling their business in other new vertical markets with the same pain points. For example, they are exploring kinesiology, exercise science, and athletic training coaches. etc. These industries also have the same pain points as fitness and personal training businesses with CPR education, certification, and compliance tracking for your team, coaches, and trainers certified.

Why Alloy Chose ResusciTech As Their CPR Education and Certification Solution?

Here at the Alloy Personal Training Franchise, it was an easy decision to add ResusciTech to our list of vendors. In a fitness center, it is important to have CPR education and certification for fitness staff, as well as AED and basic first aid. In the past, it was a very time-consuming and ridiculous experience to get your staff certified. You had to hire a certified trainer to come in to train your staff, schedule it on a day when all your staff could attend for a half a day, and supply the CPR dummies.

The SMART Certification App eliminates a lot of frustration from fitness owners and staff. In addition, your customers will be happy to know we adequately prepare the staff for an emergency situation.

At Alloy, it is easy for personal training coaches to get CPR and AED certified. We can achieve CPR certification and compliance quickly and inexpensively. It’s an amazing friction-free process.

Alloy franchises receive a discount and can easily download ResusciTech’s SMART Certification App from the Apple Store and Google Play. 

apple store downloadgoogle play download app

Tune in to learn more about how to become an Alloy Personal Training Franchise and how you can make your life easier by using the ResusciTech SMART Certification to educate and certify your team. 

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About Abbie Kohler and Brian Morley

Rick Mayo


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