In the high-stakes world of franchise ownership, there’s one skill that stands out as a game-changer: emotional regulation. Every decision you make can shape the trajectory of your business,This skill isn’t just about keeping a cool head; it’s about harnessing the power of your brain to make strategic decisions, foster healthy relationships, and ultimately drive success. 

In this episode, Rick Mayo and Matt Helland delve into the cognitive science behind emotional regulation, provide practical strategies for honing this skill, and explore how emotional regulation can profoundly influence your journey as a franchise business owner.

The Science Behind Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation isn’t a mystical talent; it’s grounded in cognitive science. Significant research has been released about emotional intelligence and how to regulate emotions to be successful. Our brains comprise two key systems: the autopilot system and the intentional system.  

The autopilot system is impulsive, rapid, and emotional – often referred to as our monkey brain. The autopilot system is like an elephant. It’s by far the more powerful and predominant of the two systems. The autopilot system corresponds to our emotions and intuitions. Our emotions can often overwhelm our rational thinking. 

On the other hand, the intentional system requires conscious effort and is driven by reason and logic. The intentional system is like the elephant rider. It can guide the elephant deliberately to go in a direction that matches our actual goals. It can help you address the systematic and predictable errors that we make due to how our brain is wired, what scholars term cognitive biases.

Striking a balance between these systems is crucial for effective emotional regulation. Recent studies in neuroscience reveal that our brains are capable of neuroplasticity – the ability to rewire neural pathways based on our experiences and behaviors. This means that emotional regulation can be developed and refined over time. By training our brains to engage the intentional system when making decisions, we can mitigate the biases of the autopilot system and make choices that align with our long-term goals.

Strategies for Developing Emotional Regulation Skills

In the dynamic landscape of business, emotional regulation acts as a compass, guiding entrepreneurs through turbulent waters and toward their goals. By recognizing the role of emotions and actively engaging the intentional system with these emotional regulation skills, business owners can achieve greater clarity, resilience, and success on their entrepreneurial journey.

1. Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises are proven methods to enhance emotional regulation. These practices cultivate self-awareness, allowing you to recognize emotional triggers and respond to them consciously rather than reactively.

2. Emotion Labeling: Putting Words To Emotions

Putting words to your emotions can have a profound impact on emotional regulation. When you label your feelings, you activate the prefrontal cortex, the region responsible for rational thinking. This practice can help you detach from intense emotions and approach situations more objectively.

3. Cognitive Restructuring: Address and Challenge Emotions

Challenge negative thought patterns by examining the evidence supporting them. This technique helps you reframe situations, reducing emotional intensity and fostering a more balanced perspective.

4. Journaling: Write It Down

Regularly jotting down your thoughts and feelings can serve as a therapeutic outlet. It helps you identify recurring emotional patterns, allowing you to address them consciously.

5. Social Support: Share And Gain Input 

Engage with mentors, peers, or professional coaches who can provide an outside perspective. Discussing your challenges and emotions with others can offer new insights and strategies for emotional regulation.

The Impact of Emotional Regulation on Entrepreneurial Success

Emotional regulation isn’t just a skill for personal well-being; it’s a critical tool for success in the world of business. By mastering this skill, entrepreneurs can achieve success without the stress. 

  • Effective Decision-Making: Emotional regulation empowers franchise business owners to make decisions grounded in logic rather than being swayed by momentary emotions. This strategic approach leads to better outcomes for the business.
  • Healthy Relationships: In a franchise network, building strong relationships with franchisors, franchisees, and customers is paramount. Emotional regulation fosters effective communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration.
  • Stress Management: Running a franchise comes with its fair share of stressors. Emotional regulation equips you to manage stress more effectively, reducing burnout and enhancing your overall well-being.
  • Adaptability: The business landscape is dynamic, with constant changes and challenges. Emotional regulation enables you to adapt and pivot without being overwhelmed by uncertainty.
  • Confidence and Resilience: By navigating emotional highs and lows with grace, you boost your confidence and resilience. This mindset encourages you to face obstacles head-on and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Positive Culture: As a franchise owner, your emotional state can influence the culture of your business. Emotionally regulated leaders set the tone for a productive, respectful, and motivating work environment.

Embrace the Power of Emotional Regulation

“Your journey to business success starts from within by regulating your emotions.”

~ Rick Mayo, CEO and Founder of Alloy Personal Training Franchise ~

In the world of franchise ownership, mastering emotional regulation is a non-negotiable skill. By understanding the cognitive science behind emotions, adopting effective strategies, and harnessing the positive influence of emotional regulation, you position yourself for unparalleled success. This skill not only enhances your decision-making but also enriches your relationships, stress management, and adaptability. So, whether you’re a seasoned franchise owner or a budding entrepreneur, embrace the power of emotional regulation.


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Mentioned in this episode

Matt Helland

Rick May

Podcast Episode 202

Key Takeaways

  • Regulating your emotions around decision-making (06:13)
  • Our autopilot response system (08:30)
  • Regulate, not repress your emotions (14:27)
  • Put our feelings on paper (19:03)
  • The 3 big emotions that will affect you in your business (20:43)
  • Mitigate fear with logic (23:04)

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