Rick and Matt share scarcity marketing strategies for your fitness business. Scarcity is a really powerful marketing tool that retailers use to influence customer behavior and drive sales.

Did you know that you can use it in the fitness space to achieve the same results?

We have used it here at Alloy Personal Training Franchise with great success. Some of our franchisees, sell almost their full capacity memberships even before the grand opening date with pre-sale scarcity marketing strategies. 

First we will discuss some basic studies.  There was a study where they put two jars of cookies out with10 cookies in each jar. One jar had chocolate and the other vanilla. That didn’t seem to make a difference. They moved jar placements and tried different sized containers, which still didn’t make a difference.  Then they removed eight cookies from one of the jars and left 2 while the other container still had 10 cookies. That is when 100% of the people polled valued the two cookie jar over the 10.  It’s supply and demand. 

If you look at Fitness overall, we’re certainly even within boutique fitness, there are boot camps that are price anchored at 129. There’s Personal Training, which is price anchored where we are right are actually higher. So we’re still a decent value. But I think scarcity around that our type of brand. And a lot of people in the industry have moved to more small group Personal Training, we talked about in the state of the industry, more consumers are buying personal training and not as many group concepts right now. Right. So all bodes well for us. But I think all of those when you talk about personal training, the price point that that puts us into, and the fact that there is to keep that brand promise, there has to be a limited number of people in front of a coach, that scarcity by default. Right? So it lends itself really well to our model. So really, there’s reasons why it works, right? So there is like through the lens of the consumer, here’s the main reasons why scarcity work is is it It feels exclusive. So you think about like points systems, I think about airlines as an example like Delta, like can be carry the certain credit card, you get into the Delta lounge, or you get to platinum, or you get to here you get to there, you get to stand in these lines, you get to board at different times, right? So it’s like you’re in this exclusive club. And it’s funny to watch, because I’m based out of we’re based out of Atlanta, which is the Delta hub, and I fly delta. So there’s 1,000,001 Delta points, people here, you know, and you can tell they’re kind of snooty about it, which cracks me up. Like, if you got your, you know, your delta diamond tag hanging on your bag, and they’re the

if you have a scarce amount, the perception is that it’s going to appear more valuable, right? It works because it makes people feel exclusive and it feels more valuable, because there’s less available. Another reason is you can possess something that other people don’t have. That’s another psychological trigger, where you have this and you can’t have it. It’s all part of how we’re all wired. Everybody wants it, but not everybody gets it. But if you do, you’ve got something other people can’t have. 

3 Most Effective Scarcity Marketing Examples

  1. ????Countdowns – In the Alloy model, pre sales starts two months out, so we use a countdown of days until the Grand Opening.  We typically do some type of a founder’s rate for the first 100 people. We run ads that count down with graphics, and countdown clock on our website. Because in our model there’s only a total of 130 memberships available, so the first 100 get the founder’s rate.
  2. ????Seasonal/ or Low Stock Offers – You can run this scarcity technique throughout the year. Most fitness brands are in the acquisition business and marketing business, which means if you loose members each month and want to grow, you need to net like 4,050 people a month to keep in business. It’s just this churn wheel that you’re forever on. The great thing about the Alloy model is we keep our clients an average of 36 month lifetime and a customer 97% retention rate. So we’ve got 130 customers and we can turn marketing off and on when we need to fill empty spots. You can just mention to your clients that you have two spots open and they scramble to go fill up those spots. If you leave, you’re probably not getting your spot back, because we’re gonna fill it up.
  3. ????Spotlighting Customer Behavior – This is using social proof to show scarcity to remind your consumers in your market that there is scarcity for your current membership availability. Show people signing up during the pre-sell. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a real thing. Telling a story like Matt and his brother-in-law came in for only two spots that opened up and they were lucky enough to grab both of them. So welcome to the team. Everyone’s welcoming them into this  exclusive club. 

Tune in to learn how to use each of these and watch your sales go through the roof.

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 Key Takeaways

  • How to use Social Proof to sell more (02:36)
  • Volume play vs. high-end play
  • How to use countdown of memberships or time to create scarcity (10:05)
  • Seasonal/Low Stock Offers (14:28)
  • Spotlighting behavior to create scarcity (21:58)
  • Always create scarcity with integrity (18:50

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Mentioned in this episode

Rick Mayo 

Alloy Personal Training Franchise


©2025 | Alloy Personal Training, LLC | 2500 Old Alabama Road, Suite 24 | Roswell, GA 30076